Consultation & Supervision
JaCarie is a Certified EMDR therapist and An EMDRIA Approved Consultant. JaCarie has experience with children and adults experiencing complex trauma, childhood trauma, birth trauma and attachment issues. JaCarie provides consultation to newly trained or “seasoned” EMDR clinicians that are wanting to increase their knowledge and skill implementing EMDR into their practice. JaCarie provides individual and group consultations for individuals working toward certification or wanting to increase knowledge without certification.
EMDRIA Certification Requirements: To be an EMDRIA Certified Therapist, you must complete an additional 20 hours of consultation (beyond your 10 hours of basic training).
A maximum of 10 of these 20 hours can be completed through group consultation.
JaCarie provides supervision for therapists working towards independent licensure in the state of Iowa. JaCarie provides a reflective supervision approach that allows for personal awareness, growth and understanding of how one can authentically show up in their therapeutic space. Please email JaCarie at to schedule a consultation. Cost of supervision $175 per hour.
In consultation, the focus is to ensure you understand the steps of EMDR while strengthening your skills in resourcing, treatment planning and case conceptualization under AIP Theory.
Currently, consultation sessions are held solely online, unless discussed with JaCarie.
Consultation is not supervision. Supervision implies that the “supervisor” has primary responsibility for the client’s outcome in treatment. In some states, the supervisee can only practice under the license of the “supervisor.” The supervisor carries a legal, ethical, and clinical responsibility/liability for the supervisee. In contrast, consultation is a collaborative relationship between two mental health professionals. The Consultant values the integrity and independence of the individual who is consulting with her or him. The Consultee maintains primary responsibility for the decisions involving treatment for his or her client. Therefore, the Consultant only offers information, suggestions, and other considerations regarding the utilization of EMDR therapy and never makes demands of the Consultee beyond the Consultant’s domain.